PhpList Script Overview

Category: Ad Management

PhpList – your ad mailing list manager
phpList is an open-source ad management software, allowing web site administrators to easily set up a web based newsletter subscription system where users can subscribe to a desired mailing list.

How to get started with phpList
The set-up of a mailing list management interface with phpList requires some preparation steps to be taken. You should find a phpList-ready web hosting service, get the script downloaded onto your PC and then install it online using basic MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, Apache web server, Linux skills.

phpList Web Hosting Plans with FREE phpList installation and many other special bonuses
With any of our phpList web hosting plans you get the script installed within seconds, absolutely free of charge! In addition, our Elefante Installer will also install for you a wide variety of other popular and extremely useful scripts for your blog, photo gallery, wiki, calendar, shopping cart, content management system, etc. website(s). With each script installation we save you up to $50 USD – the regular fee required by a technician for this service.

Other exclusive features with our PHP-Fusion web hosting plans include – FREE marketing and administration tools for boosting the popularity of your website and increasing its security, as well as a free website builder and a free domain name, coming with most of the plans.

PhpList hosting under innovative semi-clustered technology
All PhpList
web hosting plans are based on a semi-cluster hosting platform that is up to 15 times faster than the widespread one-server hosting platforms. This is achieved thanks to our last generation Quad-Core servers that create a balanced distribution of the load generated by the different hosting services between each other, thus minimizing the risk of any load-related problems.

Demo Links:   PhpList Admin | PhpList Website

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