Nucleus – your flexible content management system
With the Nucleus content management system you will enjoy the flexibility to maintain one or more weblogs, or online journals, at a time through an elegant interface. It also features multiple authors, drafts, future posts and bookmarklets, as well as RSS syndication. File/image upload and backup/restore functions are provided as well.
How to make Nucleus your blogging tool
To start taking advantage of the multiple weblog capabilities of Nucleus you will first need to find Nucleus-ready web hosting services, download the script and install it online through a series of actions requiring some knowledge of MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, Apache web server, Linux, etc.
Nucleus Web Hosting Plans with exclusive FREE bonuses
Any of our Nucleus-ready web hosting plans come with the powerful Elefante Installer, which offers a free Nucleus installation, along with the installation of many other scripts from its catalogue, arranged in the following categories: blog, photo album, calendar, forum, shopping cart and others.
With most of the Nucleus web hosting plans you also get effective marketing and administration tools, as well as a free website builder and a free domain name (registration or transfer).
Nucleus hosting on robust Quad-Core Servers
Building your blogging site through your Nucleus web hosting plan will be a real pleasure for you, thanks to our semi-cluster hosting platform, which ensures up to 15 times faster server responses than the general web hosting practice knows. Our advanced Quad-Core servers distribute the generated load between each other, thus protecting your websites against any load related issues.
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